How I Lost 30 Pounds and Gained a New Life

Working on weight loss is, more often than not, an emotional roller coaster—especially for anyone who has really gotten serious and set down health and weight goals. Let me tell you, it usually isn’t quick, it definitely isn’t always easy, and there’s lots of trial by error. One thing is for sure though, those who stick with it day after day, year after year, will gain a confidence in themselves they never knew existed and a body that loves them back. 

The 6 Year Journey

 My journey began in 2010 when I came home from a missions trip teaching English in Albania. My hormones were out of whack, the scale showed I was 10 pounds away from tipping over into the 200’s, my eyes were crazy dry, and I was struggling to fit into a bridesmaid dress for a wedding I was in that summer. Oy vey!  I was a ball of emotions. Emotions that drove me to make drastic changes and start viewing food differently. 

Month 1   

A moment of complete and utter honesty about something that makes me blush and feel like one of those TV diet commercials. I used Ideal Protein, a weightloss food system. There, it’s out. Yes, Ideal Protein is a part of my story and I’m so thankful for it. It began my process of thinking about vegetables, proteins, sugar, and carbs – how much I REALLY needed to be eating vs. what I THOUGHT I needed. It jump started my body. For me, it wasn’t a long-term solution nor was it a band-aid. It was a springboard to a fuller understanding of what a healthy lifestyle was.

  Months 2-3

I was officially diagnosed with PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome) and told to look into the paleo lifestyle. Veggies and protein were my new best friends. Dairy, grains, and sugar were enemies. Eating burgers wrapped in lettuce, making eggs for breakfast,  baking with gluten-free flours and starting to experiment with coconut and almond flours made up the bulk of my summer. Not only did I feel better cutting out certain foods, my acne began to clear and the weight was slowly coming off. By the time I headed back to college, I had lost 10-15 pounds and was feeling a heck of a lot better. People at school noticed and complimented me. My confidence was growing and I knew I was doing something right. 


Months 4-8 

My last semester at college I joined a study abroad program in Israel. Because I had lost a good amount of weight, I tried to keep eating clean even while living in the land of milk and honey. I slowly began to gain back 5-10 pounds. Mediterranean food is healthy, lots of salads and fruit. What my body didn’t like, though, was the delicious breads and humus platters that were out at EVERY meal. You haven’t had good hummus until you’ve visited a country where it’s a main staple. In my head I knew that my arrival back home would be met with jumping right back into the healthy groove I had started cutting out before I’d left. 


  Month 9 – Year 5 

Being back in the states and living back at home allowed me to focus back in on clean eating and what my body needed. I cut out processed sugars, started eating salads, learned how to BBQ meat, and carried a bottle of water around with me everywhere. I got a job as a manager at a clothing store in the mall, and fueled my desire to lose weight with the joy I had at finally fitting into clothing that before had looked “blah” on me. I was beginning to get a womanly shape rather than looking like a block. I put time into searching for recipes, reading articles and blogs on PCOS and hormones. My mom was my number one cheerleader. She came alongside me and helped me understand my body–paying for blood work, healthy foods, and vitamin supplements. I started using the essential oil Progessence Plus from Young Living, which helped to regulate my period. 

It was during these years that I came across a company that specializes in supplements for women with PCOS. Taking these supplements  opened up a whole new world of victories both on the scale and off. I lost the last 5ish pounds of stubborn weight but more importantly, I actually FELT better. My emotions (spells of crying, feelings of highs and lows, tiredness) were stabilized. I stayed on these supplements for the better part of two years during which time I solidified a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise. During these years I went through a difficult breakup which hurt and stressed me out to the core. I had no appetite to eat and felt sick when I did. Over those couple of months of stress and anxiety I lost 4-8 pounds, which surprisingly stayed off once I started eating more normally.

I was now able to backpack and explore parts of the countryside that before had only exhausted me, caused my joints to hurt, and took my breath away to the point of sickness. My acne, though still present, was wildly better and my skin had a healthy glow. My knees, which have always been creaky, allowed me to start light jogging on the treadmill. I was happy because I was healthy. 

I had successfully lost 20 pounds since college, but was still not at the weight I wished to be. One month I decided to push myself and cut out ALL sugar, even fruits,  and eat only proteins and veggies. I did this for a whole month solid and lost about 10 pounds. Again, the weight stayed off after resuming a less strict way of eating. (I should note, more normal for me means low carb intake, low sugar intake, and low to no dairy. Not the standard American diet) 


The 2 year Plateau 

After those last 10 pounds were lost, I hit a plateau. Sure, my weight fluctuated up and down 3 pounds here and there, but nothing major. I continued to be as active as possible, started a gym membership, continued eating a diet low in sugar, dairy, and grains, and learned how to live in my new body. There were new emotions to work through –  finally having a body that would fit into cute clothes, a body that could climb mountains, a body that could help someone move without getting winded, a body that started feeling actually pretty…but with a mind that still saw myself as fat and uncute. Those mental hurdles took time to overcome. Friends and family laid the ground work by stopping me when I’d say, “I’m fat” or “This makes me look fat.”  To be completely honest, I still struggle with these feelings from time to time, and it’s during those times I either have to remind myself of truth: I am enough in Christ, and health is a day by day journey, not a year to year one.


The 8 month train wreck

Marriage! That beautiful, wonderful, life changing experience I had dreamed so long about finally happened….9 months ago. So, that brings us up to present times. Over the course of the first 8 months of marriage, I gained 14 pounds. 14 POUNDS people! I am appalled at myself. Newly wed eating out, ice cream runs, “just because” treats, and new recipes are FUN…but they can also come with a consequence – for me, 14 pounds. Yeah, that was put to a stop by…

The 6 Week challenge 

5 weeks ago, my friend Brenda invited me to join a health challenge she had put together. The buy in was $8.

The rules were:

1. No sugar allowed except for one cheat day a week
2. Drink 64 oz of water a day
3. Stop snacking after 7PM
4. Eat at least 2 fruits a day
5. Eat at east 3 veggies a day
6. Personal prayer/devotions/meditation every day
7. Brushing teeth twice a day and flossing once

8. A personal challenge (I chose cutting out coffee for 6 weeks).

I love lists, I love a challenge, and I love competition. It didn’t seem to crazy so I was in.

I am now just finishing up the last week of the challenge and I have currently lost 10 pounds. I’m gonna say though, I’m fluctuating up and down by 2 pounds every couple days…so this week I’m working on consistency and not giving myself a cheat day so I can finish out strong.


Counting the Non Scale Victories

Weight loss is not just about how you look, if the opposite gender finds you attractive, or what clothing you can wear. It’s also about the victories you can now achieve off the scale. Victories that hold more value and importance than what the reflection in the mirror is telling you. These victories can take any form. For one girl I follow in Instagram, it’s the chance to ride on her husband’s motorcycle, which she used to be too heavy for. For another it was being able to go out floating on the river with her friends since she now had more energy and could fit onto the boat with everyone else.

For me my non-scale victories looked like this:

  1. Hiking up a mountain
  2. Being able to lift more weights at the gym
  3. Sustaining a run longer
  4. Fitting into clothes without little lumps or bulges
  5. Getting a full nights sleep without waking up
  6. Going to bed really truly tired
  7. Seeing aches and pains dissipate 
  8. Clearer skin 
  9. More frequent bowel movements
  10. Feeling less bloated and more like myself
  11. Healthier hair, skin, and nails
  12. Craving Sugar Less
  13. More energy 
  14. Reduction in stress
  15. Seeing my period return on a regular basis

Picking a weekly goal

Sometimes health doesn’t mean following a massive protocol. It can be the day-to-day choices we make to add up to a month and then a year of better choices. Think about picking a goal each week to stick to. Not 10, not 5, just 1 simple little goal. Maybe one like:

  • Drinking a certain amount of water each day
  • Cutting back on meat/having a meatless day
  • Cutting out sugar or carbs/grains
  • Exercising 4-5 times a week
  • Getting to sleep by a certain time each night or waking up at a certain time each day
  • Eating a certain amount of veggies each day, say maybe 2-3 servings 
  • Going on an evening walk around the block
  • Keeping a food journal for a week to see what you’re actually eating


One Small Change a Week Adds Up to a Lifetime of Health

When you make small changes, you will be less likely to become overwhelmed, and the confidence from being able to start and finish a goal will help you achieve more and more goals as the time goes on. Again, weight loss doesn’t have a quick fix. It takes time and diligence. I guarantee that if you stick with making lifestyle changes rather than jumping from one fad to the next you will see long-term results (rather than yo-yoing up and down on the scale) and your body will feel better more consistently. Don’t wait for your body to start screaming at you with health issues to live and eat differently when you can start now. Just think, if you stick with even just one or two of the goals listed above for one year, heck! even six months I’m positive you’ll see changes mentally and physically. What do you have to lose?!

Lets Talk About Dry Eye Syndrome: A Personal Story on How I Began Healing My Eyes Naturally

My Story

Ever experience the sensation of sand in your eye causing you to rub and rub and rub then leaving you with a red-eye? Or, what about uncontrolled tear production that does nothing to moisten your eye rather,  it makes it burn with the only relief coming from eye drops or washing your eyes out with fresh water. What about when you wear contacts, and no amount of eye drops will help keep your lenses in place and your always squinting just to see properly.

These experiences all describe my life during my last year in college, all culminating while I was overseas teaching English in Albania. At that time, I had no clue what the matter was, only that it wasn’t normal and boy, it sure was uncomfortable!

Like most of my health issues, college was a train wreck on my health. Late night study sessions, poor nutrition, weight gain, little to no exercise, stress of being away from home. These all played a role in exacerbating what was most likely an already underlying issue – hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, and an overall unhealthy body.

Spring of 2010 brought another hurdle for my already over taxed body. In preparation to co-lead a missions trip to Albania and enter a foreign country, I was advised to receive the hepatitis B series of shots*. I received my first shot during spring break of 2010 and left for my missions trip in June of that year. (I recently found this article discussing the correlation of hepatitis B with Sjögren’s syndrome, a dry eye and mouth autoimmune. Though I have never been diagnosed with Sjögren’s , dry eyes are a major symptom and every eye doctor I see always asks if I’ve ever been tested.)

While I was in Albania, I noticed my contacts had begun to feel like sand paper in my eyes, getting stuck under my eyelids and causing my eyes to be dry as a bone by days end. It disconcerted me, caused frustration, and a hope that I would be able to wear contacts full-time someday soon.

On return to the states, I knew something just wasn’t right. My eyes continued to cause problems; an over sensitivity to onions, dryness through the day causing my tear ducts to run, extreme grittiness, and a feeling of blurry vision. I scheduled an appointment with my ophthalmologist. My appointment confirmed with a Schermer’s test that tear production was so low it wasn’t even on the charts in one eye while the other eye registered just enough to show slight production. I was advised to start Restasis, a prescription drug that costs an arm and a leg, which would hopefully lead to an increase in my tear production.


Dry Eye Facts

“Dry eyes result from an imbalance of tear fluid secretion and its evaporation and drainage. Research has shown that tear fluid secretion from lachrymal glands, which are positioned under the eyelids, decreases as results of oxidative stress. ” – Carotec Health Report May 2018

“Dry eyes commonly develop as a side effect of medications such as antihistamines. Women more commonly experience dry eyes than men and symptoms often develop with increasing age.” –  Carotec Health Report May 2018

Remedies for Low Tear Production 


An anti-inflammatory used to treat dry eyes usually caused by inflammation. Its base is cyclosporine which suppresses the immune system. In the eye, Restasis works to reduce and stop the build up of dead white blood cells that have accumulated in the tear duct. The avg. cost is between $500-600.

Cleaning up your diet, eating food rich in omegas, and taking supplements may aid your body in producing more tears as well. Restasis worked for me, but if your young, try not to look at it as a long-term fix. Figure out what the root of the problem is for your body and work to get yourself off of using these drops long term. It’ll save your wallet some $$!

For me, I have gone off of Restasis and now manage my tear production with fish oils and a supplement called Eye Nourish Plus. I wish I would have tried weening myself off of this prescription sooner, but it wasn’t until I switched to my eye doctor here in Missouri that he questioned if it was really something I needed to keep using. He was willing to ask the WHY question rather than just handing over the medication. THANK YOU!

Fish oil/Krill oil

Ask any eye professional and they will tell you the benefits of omega-3 supplements have on your eye.

“Omega-3 fatty acids also have been found to reduce the risk of dry eyes. In a study of more than 32,000 women between the ages of 45 and 84, those with the highest ratio of (potentially harmful) omega-6 fatty acids to beneficial omega-3 fatty acids in their diet (15-to-1) had a significantly greater risk of dry eye syndrome, compared with the women with the lowest ratio (less than 4-to-1). The study also found that the women who ate at least two servings of tuna per week had significantly less risk of dry eye than women who ate one or fewer servings per week.

Omega-3 fatty acids also may help treat dry eyes. In a recent study of dry eyes induced in mice, topical application of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA led to a significant decrease in dry eye signs and inflammation associated with dry eye.” – All About Vision

One company, Carotec, has done extensive research on krill oil and has found that it can have just as much if not more of a positive effect on tear production. I’ve been using their krill oil now for a couple of months and on my last visit to the ophthalmologist having been off of Restasis for a couple of months, my tear production was doing just fine. Still low, but not in the range of concern to put me back onto Restasis.


Eye Nourish Plus

A new to me supplement produced by Carotec called Eye Nourish Plus is something I am super excited about. It is a mixture of all three macular carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin as well as Maqui-Bright (extract from Peruvian maqui berries) which has been showing promise in helping people with dry eyes syndrome. (A 2017 study demonstrated a 25% increase in tear production – in just four weeks with 60 mg of MaqiBright – Carotec Health Report May 2018)

Our eyes need all three macular carotenoids in order to receive the most benefit. Not only that, they also need fats to absorb well, which is why Eye Nourish Plus has coconut oil placed inside each pill along with the other supplements.

Just last week I received my first shipment Eye Nourish Plus, and I’m excited to take it and see if the results are the same as or better than omega-3’s. I’ll update you all as I use them over the next few months!

My Weekly/Daily Routine

Wearing Glasses vs. Contacts and my rotation

Contacts are known to dry out eyes by soaking up the extra tears. I’ve found that on the days I wear contacts, by the evening when I’m taking my contacts out my vision isn’t as clear and the contacts sometimes stick to my eye.

Because of this, I make sure to rotate the wearing of my contacts with several eye “rest days” in-between by wearing glasses. Usually I go 2-4 days between contact wearings. This rotation I feel gives my eyes a break and allows me to continue wearing contacts on the days I feel like going glasses-free.

eye 3

Lubricating eye drops twice daily

On top of rotating my glasses and contacts, I have also begun to hydrate my eyes with artificial tears twice a day. Once in the morning after my shower and before makeup and then again in the evening after I’ve cleansed my face. It is one of the most refreshing feelings and I now won’t travel without them. I’ve been using this eye relief drop as well as this support drop as well and have been very pleased.

Just know, you aren’t the only person below the age of 60 with dry eyes. Just know, there are solutions. Just know, there are natural solutions!


*This post is not about the vices of vaccinations, I’m just being open and honest with my story and what I feel may have been a side effect of this shot. I’m married to a doctor and let me tell you, the vaccination topic has come up frequently! My mantra is, educate yourself and make your decisions based on what you feel is right for your body and your family. Vaccines have pro’s and con’s, there’s no doubt about that. I’m all for some vaccines while others I am more leery of. Educate educate educate!


For further information


Natural Birth Control with the Daysy Fertility Monitor

When Tim and I were engaged and planning our wedding, we also began to talk about family planning and what we were going to do to postpone having children for a time. Knowing that hormonal birth control pills, IUD’s, or shots weren’t for me, I do what I always do and began to research*. (In complete honesty, using one of those methods was SUPER tempting and for a short time, I almost went that route. More on that later though!) I remembered back in college a professor mentioning something about a new tool that would take your temperature and tell you if you were fertile that day or not. That’s all the information I had.

Google became my best friend in the quest to find a natural solution. I talked with a close friend who had for years talked to me about the classes she and her husband used teach on Natural Family Planning (NFP). From the information I gathered online and from my friend, I knew I wanted something foolproof, simple, and would take the least amount of time with a high rate of accuracy.

Enter the Daysy!

What is Daysy, you might ask? 

It’s a simple tool in the form of a thermometer that you use every morning before getting out of bed. It takes 30-60 seconds of time to read your basal body temperature while you get to relax before the craziness of the day takes over.
Daysy gives you the power to understand your body’s monthly cycle and prevent pregnancy naturally! As women, we are often told that our bodies are too complicated, too unknown, too hard to understand. Therefore just trust the doctors who are the only ones who can understand the intricacies of the female cycle. This belief that has been passed down to generations of women is completely false! Daysy puts the power back into each women’s hands to know and understand her cycle giving clear guidelines showing when your free and clear to have unprotected sex (shown as green days) as well as the days that protection or abstinence is needed (shown as yellow or red days) . It also shows when your projected ovulation date is, when your about to start your cycle, if you might be pregnant, and what your body temperature is each day (body temp is a big indicator for whats going on in our cycle).


Here’s a little excerpt off of Daysy’s website –

“Daysy is a fertility monitor that uses the fertility awareness method (FAM) by learning & tracking your menstrual cycle. With daysy, you can plan or prevent pregnancy just as you choose. Daysy shows you the days you are fertile or not. To prevent pregnancy, use a hormone-free barrier method during your fertile days.”

Why Use the Daysy?

Well, it’s a natural alternative to the birth control options most medical professionals prescribe now days, and we all know I’m all in when something is natural AND it works! Unlike hormonal birth control which has been linked to several disturbing side effects (for more information visit Dr. Josh Axe), the Daysy is a synthetic hormone free option that allows your body to function the way it was created to without the nasty side effects. It allows a woman to KNOW her own body, and knowledge is power!

Not only is it natural and safe, it is also effective. Let’s be honest, when discussing birth control, effectiveness is probably the most important aspect we are all worried and wondering about, amiright?

I’ve been married 7.5 months now and am pregnancy free. I know 7.5 months isn’t long, but I can point you to other women I know and Facebook pages of ladies raving about the effectiveness of the Daysy. With an accuracy rating of 99.3% when used correctly, thats right up there with the effectiveness of the pill! Listening to the empowering voices of other women’s experiences and looking at the statistics of its effectiveness, I was quickly fell in love and have never looked back.

Red, Green, Yellow, and Purple Days

Red – STOP, protected sex ONLY or abstinence
Green – GO and enjoy yourself, no protection needed! YAY!
Yellow – CAUTION, you may be fertile so protection or abstinence is advised
Purple – Menstruation is about to begin or menstruation is happening

On average I have about 14-15 green days, 2-3 yellow days, and 10-14 red days depending on that months cycle.

My Experience 

I can’t rave enough about how much I love this little piece of technology! From interacting with Daysy’s customer service to the effectiveness of postponing pregnancy it has exceeded my expectations. There are several Facebook forums with loads of women there to support you on this journey. Information and help abound! I have learned so much about my own body, can predict within a couple days when I will start my period, and have done so NATURALLY. Viva El Naturel!


*Just to get this out there, your birth control choice is a completely personal decision and everyone needs to make it for themselves. Whether it’s hormonal birth control prescribed by a doctor, charting your cycle, condoms only, or nothing at all, this is a judgement free zone. All I ask is that you make informed choices!

+Content and views expressed on this post are given without any incentive from the company (Daysy).

Clearing the Fog

To the person still reading my blog, I applaud you! It’s been a hot minute since there’s been anything of value posted to this page because well, life happened – started a new job, met a guy, married the guy, changed zip codes, settled(ing) into a new city, and learning to do marriage well. Scroll down to see some of my favorite photos taken by my friend Beckie

Because life doesn’t stop for anyone just so they can type out a blog post, the fog of no longer posting settled in on this little space. Over the last few months (okay, years), I’ve grown, changed, and cultivated how I want this creative outlet to look. I don’t want to just write and share to be the next most popular social media influence. I want share from a platform that desires to encourage, support, inspire, and promote others to live a life that is healthy for THEM, not a life trying to be a cookie cutter of the photo they liked on the screen. Being pushy or flamboyant isn’t me.

The fog is beginning to clear.

I want make this more of a life/food/style diary. Being raw, open, and myself on this space without feeling pressure to look a certain way or write a certain thing for the entertainment of others sounds downright refreshing. If you’ve found this little nook on the internet, I hope you find it encouraging, inspiring, and a push in the right direction for your own health journey!



Just a Girl Being Herself


weddingwedding 2

Striking Sugar Out – A Game Plan

After juicing, I knew I wanted to jump right in to a thought out way of eating. I did Whole30 in August of 2015 and absolutely loved the results. Energy, weight loss, clear skin and a feeling of health and vitality only possible through clean eating.

Sometimes as much as we “plan ahead” life can get in the way derailing our awesome intentions. A trip to the PNW’s food and coffee mecca where “keeping it weird” is the standard protocol – time with family in Portland, OR was much needed – but got my mind off of the clean eating patterns I had set the previous two weeks. I’m not sorry – nope, not one iota. Portland is my sweet spot and a trip there without visiting both seasoned favorites and untried establishments would cause a great heartache. Gluten free treats are on every corner and local coffee shops are more prevalent than Starbucks (praise the GOOD Lord!).

Now, a week later, it’s time to get this health train back on track. Following is my eating protocol that I will be sticking to for X amount of time. Life style eating ya’ll….not gonna put a number of days or weeks on this plan and make  it into a “diet plan”.

Guidelines for my Whole30 eating lifestyle – cutting all sugar, refined carbs, dairy and wheat products. Eating a variety of veggies at every meal. Drinking water and tea to satisfy cravings and curb appetite. Nuts and seeds for snacks and crunchy additives.

GOAL – Continue training my mind, body, and tastes to enjoy clean eating.

So far I’m one day in and it feels great to have a plan in place! Make a vision and execute it!

Joys of Juicing – Part 5

LAST DAY OF JUICING! What better way to celebrate than go snowshoeing, drink only juice and water, and expend enough calories to cover you for a good couple of days? At first a bit skeptical about hiking on just energy derived from juice, we ventured out anyway and though we had enough energy for the day, we definitely felt more tired than usual when spending a day hiking or out in the snow.  Doable, but not necessarily enjoyable. A good warm meal after being outdoors all day part of the benefit of winter exercise!

Day 6

*Breakfast – Almost the Original Mean Green Juice (Reference Day 4)

*Apple, Spinach, Carrot, Brocolli

*Dinner – Bone Broth + Orange, Kiwi, Brocolli,

At first my original thought had been to see if I could make it to 10 days on just juice. In full disclosure, I ended juicing early mainly because I was having trouble with constipation. I’m going to research this and figure out exactly why…but in the mean time, I am moving right into eating just fruits in vegetables with occasional juice replacement meals. From there my plan is to just move right into Whole30 and continue documenting my paleo journey from there.

In conclusion, would I suggest a juice fast/cleanse to others? YES. My experience isn’t necessarily the norm and I believe it’s attributed to other health factors. My friends who were doing it at the same time experienced opposite results. I lost 5 pounds over the course of the week, had great energy after the first couple of days and realized that I can use self control over my cravings.

Happy Juicing!


Joys of Juicing – Part 4

Breaking the stereotypes of what most people think happens when you juice, day 5 has been great and the difficulty of saying no to sweets and treats is getting easier! You CAN be a totally functioning person on top of their game WHILE you do a juice fast. I sat in a meeting all day and felt focused, engaged, and at peace more than usual. Just a few days in and most of the difficult detox side effects have vanished other than a slight breakouts on my face. Sweet sigh of relief!

Today I woke up with slightly above average energy. Granted, turning off the alarm at dark thirty in the morning still wasn’t easy, but once I was up I noticed that my mme with morning juiceorning sluggishness was noticeably decreased. I no longer feel the urge for that cup of coffee right off the bat in the morning and am satisfied by my glass of juice and water.

I thought I would note that I have been taking a couple different supplements during this juice cleanse. On top of my normal supplement routine, I have been making sure to add in magnesium and fiber. Magnesium is a good supplement in general along with fiber, but I had previously run out. I have found that because I am not getting the fiber in my juice (the fibrous substance is extracted in the juicing process), my digestive system still needs it to function properly.

One thing that has made this cleanse much much much easier is the support of my roommate and fellow friends who are all juicing together. “Hang in there” texts, “Sorry for the gross juice today” momorning jicements and the general companionship that comes when your pushing your mind and cravings past what you previously thought impossible with close friends adds to the experience in a positive way. Friendship building at its finest!

Day 5

*Breakfast – Kickin Kale Juice (Only recommend this juice if you like tartness. Instead of a whole lemon, I suggest adding only a quarter of the lemon instead.)

*Snack – Kombucha

*Lunch – Cabbage, Carrot, Orange, Celery, Brocolli + Grass Fed Beef Broth

*Dinner – Tomato, Celery, Carrot

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH CHRIST! Set your focus on Him while pursuing health and remind yourself that God has made you a steward of your body.

Happy Juicing!




Joys of Juicing – Part 3

Energy Energy Energy! Today has been the best day so far. No detox symptoms, no fatigue, and energy for the whole day! I definitely felt more hunger pangs today, partially due to the fact I had a longer day away from home than usual and I pushed my lunch juice farther into the afternoon. Between breakfast and lunch I sipped on a strawberry kombucha.

Day 4

*Breakfast – cucumbers, celery rib, apples, large kale leaves, lemon, ginger (Recipe Here – Almost the Original Mean Green Juice) DELICIOUS recipe by the way!

*Snack – Kombucha

*Lunch – Same as breakfast except I used carrots and green beans and orange.

*Dinner – grass fed bone broth + kiwi, orange, bell pepper, cabbage, apple, sweet potatoe

I can definitely say, that as I sit here typing this at the end of day 4, I feel less tired and more energized than I normally do at 9:30 in the evening. It’s wonderful!

Happy Juicing!

Fighting PCOS Proactively by Eating Paleo

What is PCOS?

At it’s core, PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is an imbalance of hormones in a women’s body. The male sex hormone, though produced at small levels in women, starts over producing thus causing a harmful cycle in a women’s body that eventually causes her to experience symptoms associated with PCOS. In most cases not all of the symptoms will appear which might make the person getting diagnosed question whether it was an accurate assessment. Usually a blood test ordered by a physician will give conclusive evidence as to whether or not a women’s hormones are out of balance. In some cases, cysts form on the ovaries which can be triggers to hormone imbalance. One of the big caveats to PCOS is insulin resistance, which is where the paleo diet comes into play. Long term, insulin resistance can lead to diabetes which brings a whole slew of other health related issues.

Symptoms of PCOS

  • Acne
  • Irregular/Loss of menstrual cycle
  • Weight gain/trouble losing weight
  • Abnormal hair growth (face, chest, stomach)
  • Depression
  • Infertility


From what I know, there is no conclusive evidence on what triggers PCOS in a women’s body. Some say genetics. Personally, while I think genetics might be at play, I also strongly feel that diet plays a much bigger role in the prevalence of PCOS, particularly in America where packaged, processed and genetically modified foods are staple foods.  Weight also plays a crucial role (for most women, not all) in those diagnosed with PCOS. Usually, obese/overweight women are at a higher risk though in some cases, ladies of smaller stature and weight may find they too are victims of hormonal imbalance. For some, losing just 10% of their body weight can reduce or diminish their symptoms.

Help from Essential Oils

I am definitely no expert, but from personal experience I know the feeling of hopelessness and confusion when first diagnosed with PCOS. Frustration at the thought of infertility. Feeling overwhelmed with losing weight when just looking at a french fry seems to add 5 pounds to your waist line. Embarrassed by being a 20 something year old who still has facial acne. It’s a real struggle, so I know where your at!
One the natural ways I encouraged my bodies hormones to level out was with the use of an essential oil from Young Living called Progessence Plus which was designed to lower estrogen levels which would cause an increase in progesterone. I would rub it right above my fore arm (in the elbow pit area…is that even a location?!) and neck twice daily. Within two days I noticed a HUGE difference. My menstrual cycle started and my emotions began to balance out. A helpful web page with good information has been put out by Experience Essential Oils, I highly recommend checking it out!

Natural Supplements

After doing some research, my mom and I stumbled across Insulite Laboratories who’s main focus is helping women deal with PCOS by using nutraceuticals. Sticking to their routine of taking their natural supplements, eating healthy and exercising I noticed a change in my health once again. My period became regular and normalized to being once a month, weight loss became easier, and my emotions had less ups and downs. Working with them was easy and their informative supportive staff were able to give a support system I had yet to find. 

Paleo and PCOS

One of the biggest lifestyle changes that will benefit a women with PCOS is diet and exerciser. The paleo diet, high in protein, vegetables and low sugar fruits, helps reduce inflammation and naturally encourages weight loss by throwing out processed sugars (which encourage weight gain) and starchy carbohydrate rich foods such as pasta and bread. A focus on eating healthy fats such as avocados, animal fats, coconut oil, flax meal (just to name a few) encourage your body to get full and stay full longer thus curbing hunger causing you to eat less. Studies have shown that processed sugars can be triggers to many health related issues other than just PCOS and as American’s sugar is in almost every food we eat. Go read some labels in your fridge to see! In her post on fats we should eat, the Paleo Mom gives helpful tips for cooking with fat as well as foods to include in your diet.

Another helpful aspect of the paleo diet when talking about PCOS is that by limiting sugars, your own blood sugar levels will begin to balance out. Decreasing blood sugar spikes decreases the risk of acquiring diabetes which is one of the major concerns when dealing with PCOS. Two of the sweeteners allowed on a limited bases in the paleo diet are honey and maple sugar. Compared to their processed counterparts, these sweeteners have trace minerals that are valuable to your health. In an interesting article about sugar, The Paleo Mom notes that sugar is sugar at its core that that in general, we should limit our intake of all sugars, not just the processed ones.


I am by no means a doctor, dietician or naturopath, as with everything don’t just take my word for these supplements, oils and diet suggestions but be a lover of learning your body…you will never regret it!



Finding Freedom in Living Healthy

I was recently asked why I had moved towards eating paleo. I realized many people probably think that the “Paleo Diet” is just another fad diet like the Atkins diet, South Beach Diet or Keto Diet. For me, what sets my eating habits apart from other diets is that I’ve taken on the view that this is a life style change, not just a lose weight get quick results eating plan. Because I’ve noticed just a vast difference in my health and body, I can tell you this way of life definitely works. Now, is it for everyone? Is there room to make it fit you and your family? By all means!

If your like me, coming to the realization that you can’t eat like the rest of society can be a difficult thing to accept. Over the last four years of my life – after I started realizing my health was suffering, I felt sick and tired many days, my skin was red and irritated and that doctors had no real solution to any of my problems, I come to the conclusion that a diet change was the answer.

   Knowing since I was young that dairy effected my stomach, that was obviously the first thing to go.Within the next two years, I decided to go on a six week missions trip to Albania where much of the food I ate had some component of carbohydrates/wheat products. I came home sick as a dog, exhausted, and ready for things to change.
    I quickly started eating a super strict diet, slept hours on end, and drank lots of water over the course of the rest of the summer – because of this, I lost 20 pounds and at some level felt more like a “normal”  – whoever can definite that for me, props to you! – person. Right after that summer, I left for 3.5 months to live and study abroad in Israel where again, though I ate healthier than when Albania, I still didn’t know exactly what bothered me and would eat hummus and pita almost every day. Coming home from Israel, through the encouragement of my mom, I started researching different eating lifestyles (yes, eating is a lifestyle, not just dieting off and on). With the encouragement of a close friend who was herself having some health issues, we both cut completely out of our diet such things as peanut butter, all wheat products, all sugars (even fruit), dairy products, and legumes (beans). Withing a week I was feeling immensely better. had more energy and no longer felt in a fog.
For the next year I bounced back and forth from eating carbs and products with wheat in them only to realize that every time I did, I felt sick and my skin would look like garbage. (You really are what you eat 😛 ). Finally, two summers ago, I decided I was fed up with this yo-yoing in  how I ate and started researching what was called the paleo lifestyle . Broken down, basically what I have selection from is ANY vegetables, meat, seeds and nuts, fruits, and occasionally (like once a day) I’ll sneak in a dairy product (super strict paleo eaters don’t even allow this). I know I had mentioned that dairy bothered me, but I’ve found that in all actuality I’m bothered by other foods more and that if I eat dairy in a very limited moderation, I can handle it just fine. If your wondering if I can still eat baked goods and yummy food, YES, I can! Many nuts and seeds can be made into flour and used as substitutes.
Through my continued exploration of eating paleo, I have felt better than ever before and I hope to share with you through this blog the freedom of getting in touch with your body and enjoying life more fully!